Based in Bangalore, India, Revanth T is Executive Director of Truth and Life Academy, a non-formal Christian theological institute, and a regular preacher and teacher at his local assembly. His passions include expository preaching, theology and hermeneutics. He is married to Angela and they have a son, Asher Abraham.
Was the Saviour's sacrifice accomplished to pay for the sins of the whole world or only for the elect? Christians tend to fall into two camps on this one
As complex and brilliant as the doctrine of the Trinity is, many seem to think it has very little backing from the first part of the Bible. Is this a fair assessment?
The women who followed Jesus did not understand the full import of His teaching about His death and resurrection. Yet, they stayed till the end
Do Christians believe in one God ― or three? Is one greater or less than the other? Here’s the Trinity ― or rather, the Tri-Unity ― of God clarified
Christians are content to lean on Scripture as their primary source about Jesus. But what do we know of Him from outside the Bible?
Jesus is not only a historical figure, but also our eternal contemporary — someone who continues to have a far-reaching influence on the world
The hope of every believer is the resurrection life we have in Christ — and the newness it promises is something we can both experience and enjoy today
On May 19, Ravi Zacharias went to be with the Lord he loved with all his heart. Here's celebrating the life of the "greatest apologist of the century"
There is a certain holiness expected of the elect, one that comes from the Bride of Christ. Why then do our standards often leave much to be desired?
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