Was the Saviour's sacrifice accomplished to pay for the sins of the whole world or only for the elect? Christians tend to fall into two camps on this one
Was the Saviour's sacrifice accomplished to pay for the sins of the whole world or only for the elect? Christians tend to fall into two camps on this one
All the violence in the world makes “world peace” seem like a mere dream. But why is there so much strife in the first place?
Many things about the book of Hosea seem strange. But God. And we shouldn't miss what is revealed about Him
Christians are sometimes accused of merely spouting cliches when they offer to pray. Are we falling short of effective, consistent supplication?
Taking the middle ground to live and let live is the call of the hour — and yet the Christian must ask: how much is too much?
There is no greater thing than to rehearse what God has done through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, in turning our darkness into light
We can never be fully satisfied with our spiritual condition until we become like Jesus Christ, our Standard, in every way
Led to be crucified, having endured much brutality, Jesus addresses the Jews one more time along the way: yet again for their sake, not His own
More Christians seem to want to distance themselves from ‘fundamentalism’ altogether. But perhaps there is a thing or two we can learn
To be a godly husband is not merely a good gesture; rather, it is a commandment from the Lord. And saying, “I do” is just the beginning
To our Lord, commitment is not measured by our willingness to swing a sword; rather, it is a measure of our readiness to herald the truth
A weekly brief of new resources and Scripture-based insights from our editorial team.