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God (alone) is trustworthy


God (alone) is trustworthy
Posted on January 8, 2021  - By Leni B

The works of His hands are faithful and just; all His precepts are trustworthy. Psalm 111:7

The year 2020 has passed by. And by God’s grace, we’ve ushered a new year in.

One thing that we can say about the year gone by was that it was very unstable in every way. But amid these unstable times, one of the most stable truths we see throughout the Bible is that God is trustworthy.

Evidence of faithfulness

Even though the English word ‘trustworthy’ appears only a few times in the Bible, this character of God is evident all throughout the pages of the Word of God. We see the evidence of this in the covenant promises God made in the Old Testament. When we remember God’s faithfulness, we come to believe that, because God is faithful, He can be trusted ― that He is trustworthy.

Amid these unstable times, one of the most stable truths we see throughout the Bible is that God is trustworthy

Think about every instance where God promised Abraham the land of Canaan. Think about how God, through Moses, led the Israelites out of captivity and toward the land He had promised. Think about the evidence of God’s trustworthy character in the wilderness wandering. God went before the children of Israel as a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day. God’s presence was with them in the Tabernacle. God provided them with manna from heaven to eat. Every need of theirs was met.

Yet, one very specific deed stands out above every other and exemplifies God’s trustworthy nature. In the garden, with Adam and Eve, He promised to crush the head of the serpent. And He fulfilled it when He sent his own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to earth to die the death that we should have died.

Worthy of trust

In Psalm 111:7, the psalmist could truthfully declare that God is trustworthy. The root of the Hebrew word for ‘trustworthy’ is “aman”. And its meaning references loyalty, faithfulness, and dependability — all characteristics that are true and seen in God. In one sentence, the psalmist declared that all of God’s works are faithful and full of justice. Therefore, He is trustworthy. Child of God, is that something you can declare too?

In the Old Testament, it’s also interesting to see that, whenever the object of our trust is God, we are commanded to trust (Psalm 4:5, 62:8, 115:9, Proverbs 3:5, Isaiah 26:4). However, when the object of trust is man or manmade objects, these terms of trust have negative implications (Psalm 41:9, 146:3, Jeremiah 46:25).

When we look at the New Testament, the root word for trust is “pistos”, and it refers to being worthy of belief — faithful and dependable. It can also be used to draw out the response of trust or faith. So, it is not for nothing that the Apostle Paul reminded his protégés of the trustworthy nature of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

It is not for nothing that the Apostle Paul reminded his protégés of the trustworthy nature of the gospel of Jesus Christ

  • To Timothy, Paul said, “[…] for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance” (1Timothy 4:8-9).
  • To Titus, Paul pleaded, “He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also rebuke those who contradict it” (Titus 1:9).

Living in hope

These encouragements from the Apostle Paul are very applicable to us today, especially in the new year. Remember it. Make an effort to pursue it.

In Revelation 21:5, we are further reminded, “And He who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also He said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

To experience the hope of these trustworthy words, we must know the Word of God. When we read through the Word, and enumerate the faithful nature of our God, we will be filled with hope. It is this hope that will draw out active and obedient faith in our trustworthy God.

May God help each one of us in this in the new year that He has given us. The grace and peace of the Lord be with each of us.


Heavenly Father, You are a faithful and trustworthy God, and Your unfailing love endures through all generations. We see this clearly in Scripture and even in our lives today. Thank You for the evidence of Your faithfulness and trustworthiness. Father, we humbly ask that You would help us to hold firmly on to You in this new year, that we would train ourselves in godliness and hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that we can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

Leni B

About Leni B

Leni B is a wife and mom to two teenagers, who loves the God of the Bible. Apart from ministering at home, she helps lead a Bible study for a small group of women as they study, and find strength from, God's infallible Word together.



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