Jesus spoke very highly of John the Baptist (Matthew 11:11). Still, he was only human. So could he offer a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sin?
If living believers cannot earn any merit for the dead by taking baptism, why does the Apostle seem to be teaching such a doctrine?
Baptism is an important ordinance for the church. Yet, we see many denominations divided over how to practise it. This post explores those varied teachings
In many circles, young believers hitting a certain 'age' start feeling pressured to be baptised, especially when their peers express such a desire
Baptism is a commandment from the Lord. If you’re looking to obey it, find out what criteria you need to meet before taking such a step
Far from being a strange or arbitrary tradition, baptism re-enacts with water what has happened for real, and makes the unseen visible
As followers of Christ, the Person of Jesus is the foundation of our faith. Here’s listing the core truths of what we believe about Him
While churches must welcome and love unbelievers, Scripture clearly indicates that partaking of the bread and wine is not for all
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