The fruit of the Spirit is the only visible evidence of our faith. So, isn’t it time we paid more attention to bearing it in our day-to-day lives?
The fruit of the Spirit is the only visible evidence of our faith. So, isn’t it time we paid more attention to bearing it in our day-to-day lives?
What if our final destination isn’t a disembodied heaven? What if the end goal is a new earth, where God’s justice reigns?
To the world at large, it is almost unthinkable that a rational, intellectually aware person would consciously choose to believe in God
Actions have real-life consequences and, sometimes, it’s hard to let bygones be bygones. What is the Christian to do in such a situation?
Music is an integral part of worship. But what about songs produced by churches that do not have a strong theological base?
It's a sad truth that the simplest aspects of classic spiritual disciplines are vastly ignored today. Find out how you can grow these habits of grace
As Christians, we cannot “fix” the earthly kingdom, but we cannot close our eyes and sing hymns while it burns down either. What do we do?
It might seem unthinkable, yet maltreatment of others is a sad reality among those of the faith as well. Find out how to tackle such delicate situations
When trying to evaluate the genuineness of fellow belivers, at what point does discernment cross over into unwarranted judgement?
If nothing can frustrate the plans that God has determined in advance, where should believers stand on the matter of civic responsibilities and freedoms?
The kingdom of God is built by widows and philanthropists, crusade-leading preachers and pastors of tiny congregations. You may never know how He used you
A weekly brief of new resources and Scripture-based insights from our editorial team.