As George Floyd's killing sparking protests in all 50 states of the USA, the question remains: can the church stay silent in the face of racial oppression?
Whether we like it or not, depression is far from uncommon among those who are saved. Does the Bible have resources for the distressed Christian? Indeed
Marriage, as an institution, gets a pretty bad rap these days. John Piper’s This Momentary Marriage tells us what happily-ever-afters are really made of
Find out how we can avoid “eating and drinking judgment” to ourselves — and keep legalism from creeping into our remembrance of our Redeemer
Over the years, the church has developed several practices. But if the Scripture is all-sufficient, what place do we accord such customs?
In many circles, young believers hitting a certain 'age' start feeling pressured to be baptised, especially when their peers express such a desire
Pride, masked as self reliance, is powerful, but Christ's church is built on mutual service. Did you know refusing to let others help us deprives them too?
Phebe Muppidi on looking back and seeing God ‘connect the dots’ in her life, and how Telangana became both mission field and home
The ongoing environmental crisis is a concern for many of us, especially younger generations. How should believers respond to the call to be green warriors?
Baptism is a commandment from the Lord. If you’re looking to obey it, find out what criteria you need to meet before taking such a step
In small, seemingly insignificant ways, believers can continue to show the world Christ’s love during these hours of desperate need
TCK Angela Loudon on struggling with the ‘big’ questions about the truth of Christianity — and what drives her to serve the Lord in Colombia today
A weekly brief of new resources and Scripture-based insights from our editorial team.