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Tag: forgive

Forgiving what we can’t forget

November 26, 2021  - By Nzandi Murry

Life seems too short to hold grudges—and too difficult to let them go. So, is forgiveness merely a good lie we tell each other?

Why does Matthew tell us to forgive, yet judge an offending brother?

August 18, 2020  - By Rufus Simon Varghese

Question of the week: Is the Lord Jesus contradicting Himself in meting out instructions on how to deal with those who offend us?

Who is Jesus and what difference does it make?

August 16, 2020  - By Revanth T.

Jesus is not only a historical figure, but also our eternal contemporary — someone who continues to have a far-reaching influence on the world

How should Christians deal with toxic relationships?

March 17, 2020  - By Dr. Scott Shiffer

Not all ties are healthy. Some are hostile, narcissistic, draining and downright damaging. How does one navigate such relations without becoming a doormat?

If God forgives sexual sin, why do I not feel forgiven?

February 25, 2020  - By B Abraham Samuel

Nearly all of us struggle with guilt and regret over sexual sins. How can we recover from those feelings and walk in healing and forgiveness?



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