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Tag: hymn

Can we sing songs by Hillsong, Elevation Worship and Bethel Music?

May 25, 2021  - By Mario Peter

Music is an integral part of worship. But what about songs produced by churches that do not have a strong theological base?

Blest Be The Tie That Binds

November 11, 2020  - By Winston Hottman

Psalm 133 tells believers how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell in unity. This five-act 'play' will help bring the truth of that verse home

Is He Worthy?

August 1, 2020  - By Karen Ann Monsy

It's tempting to look around us and see nothing but brokenness, injustice and strife. But what we're taking our eyes off of is: glory

Christ the sure and steady anchor

December 19, 2019  - By Darren Stanly

The trials we endure in this life are not the end of the story — only a means to something much greater: the promised glory

The gift of the ‘even so’

November 3, 2019  - By Rebecca Moore

If the only certainty we know is death, then certainties are incredibly hard to bear — until Christ steps into the picture

There is a fountain filled with blood

October 18, 2019  - By Ryan Rives

When sin and the world brings us to our knees, we hold on to Christ who gives us new life and a reason to sing

Before the throne of God above

September 25, 2019  - By Jerlin Justus

A humbling hymn about our great High Priest, whose intercessory work means we have no reason to believe the devil’s lies that we can lose our salvation once saved

His mercy is more

August 23, 2019  - By Jerlin Justus

Not receiving the judgement we deserve is one of the great wonders of the gospel — and a reminder that no one else loves this way

Jesus is mine

July 14, 2019  - By Jerlin Justus

When you can call nothing else in this world your own, rest in the Saviour who offers ultimate joy and peace in Him — forevermore

Come, behold the wondrous mystery

June 9, 2019  - By Ryan Rives

As children, every new experience is a curiosity, but as we grow older, they lose their wonder. Is this not true of the great mysteries of the Gospel story too?

He will hold me fast

May 6, 2019  - By Jerlin Justus

In a world that knows brokenness and sin, we are assured of a God who knows hope and restoration



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