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Tag: interpretation

When Christians can’t agree

July 5, 2020  - By Sam K. John

We hold diverse theological views — but should be able to dispense grace when considering teachings and practices that aren’t central to our faith

Are you an accidental Pharisee?

January 24, 2020  - By Sam K. John

If our idea of ‘separation’ is only concerned with externals or superficial things, we are no better than the hypocrites Jesus berated in the first century

Is Song of Songs about Christ and the church?

September 17, 2019  - By Rufus Simon Varghese

Believers have long struggled with the inclusion of Solomon’s love poems in the Bible. Understanding its author’s intent can help put the debate to rest

Do partially fulfilled prophecies prove the Bible wrong?

July 28, 2019  - By Dr. David Brooks

Many argue against the veracity of the Word because some predictions made in it have only turned out ‘half true’. Here’s what to make of them



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