The years of our lives are not many. Soon, they will be cut off and we will, as the psalmist says, all fly away. Do we really want to leave with regrets?
God became man in order that men could become children of God. If that seems illogical, here are 12 pivotal truths to put things into perspective
On May 19, Ravi Zacharias went to be with the Lord he loved with all his heart. Here's celebrating the life of the "greatest apologist of the century"
When change is the only constant, where can we find rest for our souls and compensation for our inadequacies in the face of hardship and loss?
Phebe Muppidi on looking back and seeing God ‘connect the dots’ in her life, and how Telangana became both mission field and home
How is it that we believe in the same Lord, yet hold such wildly opposing views to the hot-button topics of the day? Where is our Christian unity?
When it comes to wise decision-making, our actions need to be consistent with our new lives in Christ, and our God-given conscience can help save the day
Far from being a strange or arbitrary tradition, baptism re-enacts with water what has happened for real, and makes the unseen visible
In the wake of the shocking news of basketball legend Kobe Bryant’s passing, the message of Psalm 90 becomes all the more urgent and that much more real
Abortion politics have become an extremely touchy subject. A reader asks if its acceptability can vary from case to case
Life can often feel so very futile. What joy to know that God has been writing a glorious end for each of our stories since the beginning of time
Is there a case for the formation of the universe without the involvement of a divine or supernatural being?
A weekly brief of new resources and Scripture-based insights from our editorial team.