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Tag: meaning

What does Mark 4:21-25 mean?

November 9, 2021  - By Rufus Simon Varghese

Jesus taught in parables all the time. But what point was He trying to make in talking about lamps—and issue a warning right after?


March 28, 2021  - By Tom Horvat

The husks that we try to satisfy our souls with are many. The joy they bring does not last. This hymn tells us not what to turn to — but Whom

The beauty of a hidden life

August 26, 2020  - By Lisa Mattackal

The kingdom of God is built by widows and philanthropists, crusade-leading preachers and pastors of tiny congregations. You may never know how He used you

To be chosen

May 29, 2020  - By Kendall Lyons

All of us desire love and acceptance — yet, we often struggle to quench our thirst to belong. Isn't it glorious then that we can find lasting worth in God?

Making Sense of God: Timothy Keller

January 10, 2020  - By Garrett Haley

Be warned: Keller does not employ straw man arguments when describing critiques of religion, but forces us to face some of its most difficult criticisms

What’s in a name?

December 8, 2019  - By Preston Byrd

We may not understand it entirely, but we can remember Jesus’ name bears witness to the salvific work of God in the world



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