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Tag: mission

What is the Messianic Secret?

November 23, 2021  - By Rufus Simon Varghese

Jesus was on the greatest mission of all: to save mankind from sin and death. Then why was He so adamant about keeping it a secret?

Surprised by Hope: NT Wright

September 17, 2021  - By Garrett Haley

What if our final destination isn’t a disembodied heaven? What if the end goal is a new earth, where God’s justice reigns?

‘Our peace is in knowing that salvation belongs to the Lord’

January 24, 2021  - By Elizabeth Abraham

Missionaries to Ghana Heather and Joseph Frimpong narrate how their early experiences as Christians prepared them to serve the Lord today

Are you still waiting for ‘the call’?

December 2, 2020  - By Sam K. John

Every believer is called to invest his or her life for kingdom purposes. Find out the different ways by which God’s people recognised how they could serve

‘Consistency and caring can go a long way’

November 29, 2020  - By Elizabeth Abraham

Missionaries to Cambodia Tyler and Katie Van Halteren remind us that God’s love for us is the same on our most fruitful and least fruitful days

‘Africa is one of the last places on earth I thought I’d serve Him in’

June 28, 2020  - By Elizabeth Abraham

Missionary to Zambia Jill Avery on the numerous ways God has been moulding her — as much as those she ministers to — on the mission field

‘God was training me even as a child, only I didn’t know it then’

April 29, 2020  - By Elizabeth Abraham

Phebe Muppidi on looking back and seeing God ‘connect the dots’ in her life, and how Telangana became both mission field and home

‘My faith needed to be personal, not just something inherited or cultural’

March 29, 2020  - By Elizabeth Abraham

TCK Angela Loudon on struggling with the ‘big’ questions about the truth of Christianity — and what drives her to serve the Lord in Colombia today

Marks of a healthy church

January 26, 2020  - By Revanth T.

Spiritual maturity, unity and Biblical models of effectiveness and leadership are better measures of growth than mere numbers

YHWH and Chandrayaan 2

November 27, 2019  - By Revanth T.

We can understand several fundamental realities, which go beyond the findings on the moon, when we dissect the often-overlooked theological underpinnings of space exploration

‘The Lord is teaching me a great lesson of love through adoption’

September 8, 2019  - By Elizabeth Abraham

Pablo Cenepo-Torres on looking forward to welcoming one more member to their family — and how there’s never a dull moment serving in the jungles of Peru

Re-evaluating your calling

August 21, 2019  - By Aaron Helm

The Christian community tends to view being 'called' as reserved for pastors and missionaries, but what if we all saw our workplaces as mission fields?



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