The fruit of the Spirit is the only visible evidence of our faith. So, isn’t it time we paid more attention to bearing it in our day-to-day lives?
In this final part of the Decalogue series, find out how the last three laws apply to us — and whether God would hold us guilty for flouting them today
“Love your neighbour” is a wonderful way to sum up the second section of the 10 commandments. And God tells us exactly what that looks like
We're all guilty of biased judgements and partiality. The book of James offers a mirror with which to examine ourselves: are we 'judges with evil thoughts'?
Who have you mentally labelled as different or hopeless? The message of Jesus' famous parable holds true today too: we need to learn to love the 'other'
As George Floyd's killing sparking protests in all 50 states of the USA, the question remains: can the church stay silent in the face of racial oppression?
In small, seemingly insignificant ways, believers can continue to show the world Christ’s love during these hours of desperate need
TCK Angela Loudon on struggling with the ‘big’ questions about the truth of Christianity — and what drives her to serve the Lord in Colombia today
The book of Leviticus is full of specific examples of what neighbourly love looks like. And they translate just as well to us today
A weekly brief of new resources and Scripture-based insights from our editorial team.