For most, life has been a lesson in waiting for two years. For the Christian, however, it is another integral part of his or her story
It is easy—and spiritually unhelpful—to lose sight of all that we have to be grateful for amid the frenetic pace of everyday life
The fruit of the Spirit is the only visible evidence of our faith. So, isn’t it time we paid more attention to bearing it in our day-to-day lives?
An interview from the heart of China, where the outbreak continues to claim its highest toll yet, offers spiritual insights into the current epidemic
Nobody wants to experience pain, especially not willfully. But we are also told in Scripture that some degree of suffering is inevitable
The first century church believed the Lord’s return to be imminent. What does that mean for us who are waiting on Him in the 21st century?
Not receiving the judgement we deserve is one of the great wonders of the gospel — and a reminder that no one else loves this way
A weekly brief of new resources and Scripture-based insights from our editorial team.