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Tag: Psalms

The Lord, your Shade

October 1, 2021  - By Leni B

Life can become exhausting from time to time. How does the Lord become our shade in times like those?

Mental health matters: Hope for the Afflicted

May 28, 2021  - By But God

How the church can better equip itself to respond to those suffering from poor mental health — both inside its ranks and beyond

Afflicted saint, to Christ draw near

May 28, 2020  - By Karen Ann Monsy

Whether we like it or not, depression is far from uncommon among those who are saved. Does the Bible have resources for the distressed Christian? Indeed

From shepherd to king

February 23, 2020  - By Tobin Mattackal

If you’ve ever felt insignificant, you know that that poison arrow strikes the very core of our being. David teaches us how to come into our own



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