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Tag: repent

How was John able to offer a baptism of repentance?

November 30, 2021  - By Dr. Scott Shiffer

Jesus spoke very highly of John the Baptist (Matthew 11:11). Still, he was only human. So could he offer a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sin?

Why does Matthew tell us to forgive, yet judge an offending brother?

August 18, 2020  - By Rufus Simon Varghese

Question of the week: Is the Lord Jesus contradicting Himself in meting out instructions on how to deal with those who offend us?

Why is Jesus taking so long to return?

December 31, 2019  - By Dr. Scott Shiffer

The first century church believed the Lord’s return to be imminent. What does that mean for us who are waiting on Him in the 21st century?



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