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Tag: repentance

How was John able to offer a baptism of repentance?

November 30, 2021  - By Dr. Scott Shiffer

Jesus spoke very highly of John the Baptist (Matthew 11:11). Still, he was only human. So could he offer a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sin?

Lessons en route to Golgotha — Part 3

August 13, 2021  - By Jiby

Led to be crucified, having endured much brutality, Jesus addresses the Jews one more time along the way: yet again for their sake, not His own

I doubt if I’m saved; does that mean I’m not?

August 3, 2021  - By Rufus Simon Varghese

Christians can sometimes find themselves wondering about their salvation. Are these questions an indicator that our confession wasn’t genuine?

The failures of Eli – Part 2

June 11, 2021  - By Sherry Thomas

As high priest, Eli held the highest position possible in Israel. But he was unable to lead others to the Lord — beginning with his own sons

How to share the gospel?

December 9, 2020  - By Jobin John Mathew

All Christians are also called to share the good news about Him. Sharing Good news in four simple points.

Good grief is what we need

October 21, 2020  - By Lisa Mattackal

Feeling guilty over past sin is one thing; sorrow, as God intends it, is something else altogether. The latter helps us bear fruit

Are you thinking of death like you should?

July 15, 2020  - By Tom Horvat

In Scripture, death isn’t merely an end to existence, it’s separation — and spiritual death is so terrifying because it’s total separation from God

What the Bible teaches about salvation – Part 2

July 10, 2020  - By Dr. Scott Shiffer

As believers, we are saved — but we are also being saved. Learn about the process involved in coming to faith, and how God works in our hearts

Christians need to talk about racial justice

June 5, 2020  - By Reeba James

As George Floyd's killing sparking protests in all 50 states of the USA, the question remains: can the church stay silent in the face of racial oppression?

What the Bible teaches about sin

May 15, 2020  - By Dr. Scott Shiffer

Sin is considered a primitive word in today's world. Talking about it makes us uneasy — but that's precisely why believers need to be battling it every day

Stand in the gap

April 19, 2020  - By Premilla Jacob

Many are describing 2020 as the worst year in decades. But what if God put us here in this exact moment in time to make a difference?

Why Christianity is so polarised today

March 13, 2020  - By Godly John

How is it that we believe in the same Lord, yet hold such wildly opposing views to the hot-button topics of the day? Where is our Christian unity?



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