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Tag: repentance

Holy vessels, unholy uses

January 19, 2020  - By Leni B

If you have received Jesus as your Saviour, you are a holy vessel. Be on your guard that you do not give Satan opportunity to use you for unholy purposes

How should Christians respond to Kanye West’s conversion?

November 26, 2019  - By Godly John

Recent news of the American rapper giving his life to Christ has people either cynical or overjoyed. Should we take it all with a pinch of salt?

The basics of church discipline – Part 4

September 27, 2019  - By Dr. Danny L. Akin

The congregation’s call to judge those within its assembly is backed by Scripture — which also instructs us to aim for restoration in a spirit of love

What to do when an influential leader denounces the faith

August 27, 2019  - By Revanth T.

Dissension and apostasy will be common in the last days, but it doesn’t make the news any less painful. Here’s why it shouldn’t shake your faith

Why Jesus is unlike any other Saviour you’ve heard of

June 26, 2019  - By Revanth T.

Christ did not come into this world for other purposes and get trapped in a plot that resulted in His death. He came to die

Can a person truly be repentant if they continually deny their sin?

June 25, 2019  - By Dr. John Sypert

Talking through what true confession involves — and what its practical applications might look like in a real-life situation

Do tragedies happen to people who ‘deserve’ them?

May 8, 2019  - By Revanth T.

How can we cope with tragedies in this world? Only by recognising God’s eternal purpose behind them.



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