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Tag: victory

Writing to Wormwood

January 29, 2021  - By Mason Smith

What would you say to the demon tasked with drawing you away from the Lord Jesus Christ if you had a moment to talk with him?

Psalm 20: Encouraging brethren in the Lord

October 16, 2020  - By Dr. David Brooks

Even those at the forefront of spiritual battles need the prayers of the rest of us ― even if, ultimately, we’re all in God’s hands

How does Christ’s sacrifice cover sins after His death?

October 13, 2020  - By Rufus Simon Varghese

Jesus lived 2,000 years ago, long before we were ever born. A reader asked how His work on the cross can atone for those who didn't even exist at the time

How can we, practically, have victory over sin?

July 28, 2020  - By Tobin Mattackal

As Christians, we celebrate that Christ sets us free from sin. So, why do we still struggle to defeat its power in the choices we make every day?

On eagles’ wings

July 3, 2020  - By Premilla Jacob

The Bible assures us that putting our hope in God will get us through the storms of life. Here are three reasons why that is not an empty promise

7 things to know about demonic powers

March 22, 2020  - By Dr. Scott Shiffer

The Bible does not talk about demons in detail, but it does tell us they are real, and references them in several passages. Read on to learn more

The Gospel and The Avengers

June 1, 2019  - By Aaron Helm

Currently the second highest grossing film of all time, the movie has resonated strongly with fans. But Christians can find greater hope in its themes of resurrection and good triumphing over evil



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