Weekly Q&A
What do you do when the preaching at your church is weak (that is, when you’re not gaining from it)? How can the church improve this area of ministry? By extension, what do you do if your church is set in its ways and makes no effort to improve?
Weak pulpit weakens the church. God disapproves preachers who do not rightly divide the Word of God (2 Timothy 2:15). His Word is to be handled accurately. That means a preacher of God’s Word must be a careful exegete and expositor.
Paul solemnly charged Timothy to “preach the Word” (2 Timothy 4:2). Further, Nehemiah 8:1-8 highlights timeless principles in preaching the Word: take the Word, read the Word distinctly, explain the Word so that people will be able to understand its meaning, and apply it. Today, we call this “expository preaching”.
Let me make some practical suggestions:
The first step to improve the quality of preaching is to study the Scriptures to see what it says about handling the Word in preaching and teaching. A Homiletical workshop to create this awareness among all who preach the Word is a desirable first step. The elders should take the initiative for it with the help of other capable brothers.
Periodic evaluation of the weekly preaching in the assembly will make us more accountable and responsible in preaching ministry. Lovingly, gracefully and truthfully, the elders and all others who have preaching responsibility should come together to pray, and honestly evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the sermons. This should open the way for meaningful discussion and any appropriate changes that should be implemented.
Periodic evaluation of the weekly preaching in the assembly will make us more accountable and responsible in preaching ministry
The most important guideline to bear in mind is that our ministry of the Word should edify (build up) the body of Christ. After each preaching/teaching, please ask these scriptural questions: Did this ministry edify the body? If not, what are the reasons? What can we do to fix the problem? This is an indispensable part of pastoral ministry. But these guidelines are only possible and practical if the team is respectful to one another, honest, open and spiritually mature with a vision for the health of the assembly.
The elders and pastoral leaders who plan the preaching schedule should prayerfully and responsibly decide on who are the ones to be given the responsibility of preaching the Word to the assembly, as it is the most important ministry in the gathering of the local church. The usual practice in many assemblies of accommodating every one and giving opportunities to preach without due consideration of their calling and giftedness is a total disservice to the people of God. This false system that is perpetuated for years must be eradicated for profitable and edifying Word ministry.
The believers should exercise their congregational freedom to voice and share their concern to their elders in matters related to the preaching ministry. This must be done respectfully and honestly, not with a critical spirit. The elders are responsible to listen patiently to such concerns and try to solve the deficiencies in this vital area of ministry.
Giving opportunities to preach without due consideration of one’s calling and giftedness is a total disservice to the people of God
Another practical step is to have special training sessions for preaching, sharing from the Word, and exhortations by people who have demonstrated interest, skill and giftedness in these areas. After a period of careful mentoring, evaluation, practical suggestions and input by the elders and other mature brethren, some of these mentees can be encouraged to take the pulpit in the meetings of the church.
They should start with small group settings, and weekday sessions, and eventually take the pulpit in the gathering of the church. But our main message sessions should not be training or rehearsal sessions. Sad to say, these suggestions are totally ignored in many assemblies. A casual and careless attitude to the proclamation of the Word will weaken the assembly and the spiritual health of believers.
The preaching and teaching ministry of the church need the prayers of God’s people. We need God’s special blessing in this area of ministry. The elders should motivate the congregation for fruitful and edifying ministry every time we meet. Let us pray earnestly for all those who handle the Word.
If the leadership of an assembly continues to take a very careless and casual attitude to the preaching and teaching of the Word, and not willing to make appropriate changes after knowing about this issue from other concerned believers, one has only two options. Prayerfully endure this struggle, waiting and hoping for a change, and being satisfied with what you have — or prayerfully consider moving to another doctrinally sound assembly, where you can meaningfully get involved, and also grow in the grace and knowledge of God.
Remember, mist in the pulpit will always create a fog in the pew.
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