Tom Horvat completed his BA in education and theology at Washington Bible College. He pastored a house church for 15 years and served as a volunteer chaplain in a local prison for 20 years. He is now retired and pursuing interests in hiking, kayaking, nature study and wood crafting. He is passionate about ecology and published a book entitled New Creation Ecology that is available on Amazon. Tom has seven children and 13 grandchildren with his wife of over 40 years.
The years of our lives are not many. Soon, they will be cut off and we will, as the psalmist says, all fly away. Do we really want to leave with regrets?
A stunning OT promise from God can be found in the book of Isaiah: judgment is coming — but He Himself will provide hope, restoration and blessing
In Scripture, death isn’t merely an end to existence, it’s separation — and spiritual death is so terrifying because it’s total separation from God
The Israelites made the grave mistake of mistaking the outward motions of religion for real holiness — and Christians can easily fall into the same trap
It’s easy to be discouraged when we compare our resources and abilities with those around us — but that’s not how God measures things
The ongoing environmental crisis is a concern for many of us, especially younger generations. How should believers respond to the call to be green warriors?
A weekly brief of new resources and Scripture-based insights from our editorial team.