Jesus spoke very highly of John the Baptist (Matthew 11:11). Still, he was only human. So could he offer a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sin?
God is infinitely gracious. But how does that square with Jesus’ claim that there is one sin that has no forgiveness?
In the Gospels, Jesus often used illustrations to make His point. But why would He refer to clothing and wine when asked about fasting?
Till the day that David summoned him, Mephibosheth lived in fear. But the king treated him, the grandson of the enemy, like his own son
Judas used the symbol of affection and honour to betray the Son of Man in what was the vilest acts in history. Why didn’t he just point Him out instead?
How did James go from a skeptical, unbelieving brother to a sold-out, church-leading servant of Christ? That seems like such an unlikely transformation
If Jesus is God, He must be sovereign and omniscient. And yet, He claims to not know when He would come back. How can this be?
There is no greater thing than to rehearse what God has done through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, in turning our darkness into light
Led to be crucified, having endured much brutality, Jesus addresses the Jews one more time along the way: yet again for their sake, not His own
To our Lord, commitment is not measured by our willingness to swing a sword; rather, it is a measure of our readiness to herald the truth
God could choose to save everyone — or destroy everyone. Yet, He chooses to save some and pass over others for destruction
Something we tend to forget often is: there are no limits to what God can do through lives that are wholly surrendered to Him
A weekly brief of new resources and Scripture-based insights from our editorial team.