For most, life has been a lesson in waiting for two years. For the Christian, however, it is another integral part of his or her story
What do Israel in captivity and the church in lockdown have in common? The uncertainty of the future. These eternal promises of God are the perfect antidote
As Covid-19 continues to ravage and devastate India, one frontliner talks about how the pandemic has forced her to discover God all over again
Don’t let the troubles of the year gone by crush your hopes for the new year. There is a way to make plans for the future — even in the midst of a pandemic
The recent lockdown has been a slow, quiet season for everyone. As this poetess asks: what’s your excuse for avoiding Him now?
If our future is eternity with God, why should we endure through suffering in this life? Romans 8 tells us why the Christian state is not a paradox
The news cycle today can be fairly exhausting. Find out how to stay informed and engaged without getting overwhelmed by the state of the world today
The hope of every believer is the resurrection life we have in Christ — and the newness it promises is something we can both experience and enjoy today
Do you find your hope draining away? Are you unable to keep worry at bay? Philippians 4 reminds us why we can have peace — even joy — despite the storms
Whether we admit it or not, we tend to invest in the things we value the most. The question is: how much of our treasure is in heaven?
Many are describing 2020 as the worst year in decades. But what if God put us here in this exact moment in time to make a difference?
The unknowable nature of the future, whether short-term or long-term, often raises daunting questions we cannot answer — save for one
A weekly brief of new resources and Scripture-based insights from our editorial team.