Missionary to Angola Joel Griffin on serving in one of the poorest places on the planet and how God's promises are balm to the soul in times of loneliness
We often want to know if we’re free to do something in the name of Christian liberty. Read on to understand the wiser questions to ask
Homosexuality is one among several sins the Bible condemns. How does a Christian with a same sex attraction orientation go forward?
Are you walking by faith through grace — or still trying to live like you get what you earn? Grace, not law, is the power of God that shatters sin
An argument for why prophets of old did make prophecies about the distant future — and the value we can find in them today
A man of fullness and faithfulness, the deacon from the book of Acts is a study in what many churches sorely lack today
You didn't vote for them, but the polls have spoken and they're in charge of the nation now. In politically bleak times, Christians can gain from a perspective that is unashamedly Biblical
Although we say we’re Christians, our lives are often reminders of how we deny Him daily. How can we break the cycle of living like we don’t know Him?
Jesus came to do what no man can do. He came to do what only God can do. He came to forgive sins.
A weekly brief of new resources and Scripture-based insights from our editorial team.